24 October, 2015


6-month I see had past since my last blog entry. Perfect timeline aligned to my new job, new org. Survived 2 cycle of QBU, last one was toughest from internal grindwork. Still think I am trying to make an impact. It's bizarre, confusing, settling, and frustrating at times. But I definitely learn a lot. Not comfortable at all. All the time. Which is good. Tension/stress. Learning how. Push and pull. Worry more about certain things. Worry less about satisfying other people. My career. My growth. My image. My perception. My anger. My smile. My frustration. My drive. Passion.

Churn and mixed.

Life. I feel alive and not bored. Making mistakes all the time. Not perfect. And that's alright.

Book read

Today I finished up a book that's been sitting on my shelf, What Alice Forgot. The story line was smooth, narrative interesting from first-person and third-person point of view. I love the POV from Alice's 30-year old self as well as the sense of the grown-up busy housewife of Sydney urban mom with 3 children. A delicious way to spend my lazy Saturday.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...