09 February, 2015

Amy Tan Valley of Amazement

This is my first Amy Tan's book. Amy Tan is a Chinese-American author who's famed for writing novels with are sensitive, depicting the wrought-emotional ties between mother-daughter as this showcases in this novel. I bought the book at the Kinokuniya bookstore in Bangkok where I was wondering on a Sunday the weekend before my business trip.

The review on Amazon turned out to be less than fantastic. I thought this book was entertaining but I have to agree that I felt no more emotional connection. There are certain parts that are very good, such as the letters' exchanges. There are parts in between that are not realistic and seemed like a chore to read.

My learnings are it is tough to grow up in cross culture environment. One shouldn't take one's fate for granted. And emotional damage of abandonment and neglect are greater in future in the form of inability to love and receive love. Ability to receive love is also very important, and as essential to happy and loving life.


Hereby my book list of year 2015:

Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling
It is said that Rowling published the book under a different pen-name. It had a decent success until it exploded when people got to know (or it was leaked) that she wrote this book. I enjoyed this book craft. One review said "this book is about pain and cruelty". This book is astonishingly well written, humorous, and humane.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...