09 March, 2014

Another weekend is over

I had been travelling heavily in the past 2 months or so. For example, in the last Feb, I was in Singapore for 1 week, the rest - Jakarta, Perth, Tokyo, and Seattle.

A nice jet-setting life but pretty disruptive to my non-existent private social life now. This can't go on forever. I go on with this thought that I need to do things differently but the inertia is a hardest thing to break.

At least I have the following achievements to crow for:
1. I am very close to attaining my driving license.
2. I read very touching story about Mimi an 8-year old Aussie girl who realllly want a Surface 2.
3. I collected my miles.
4. I took care of all my credit cards.
5. I am very happy with my savings stat.
6. I blew up my marathon training.

Sigh... I really really Really need to do something.

Meanwhile, went to do night-cap stroll with mom throughout iLight at Marina Bay. While went to complete documents for Taiwan visa applications....

Logging out.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...