05 June, 2011


My team just concluded team offsite at Bintan.

Bintan is a relatively small island off 1-hour ferry ride from Singapore. It is convenient, clean, luxurious, nice weekend getaway from buzzling Singapore. It is amazing how efficient we could be, with people managing schedules, arranging logistics; we zipped in and out with plenty of time to spare in 2.5 days, 1.5 days full meetings, squeezed in to-and-fro ferry ride, three lunches, and two dinners, drinks (social, at the bar, on the beach, in dinners), a massage, ATV group activity, and yoga at the beach. Plus emails sessions and my 1:1 with boss. All in 3 days work. Thanks for efficient logistics and all preparation - they are really cool.

I am tired and had terrible headache after we were back. Practically I worked thru Friday midnight, and had to pay with terrible headache on Saturday.

I must keep my energy level high, at the peak session. I am reading, learning, discussing, talking to expand my life. Work is not all there is to life. I must change my rhythm and start to take over my life.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...