08 November, 2010

My run result. Ran 10K race with Great Eastern Women last weekend in Singapore. My timing 01:15:08. Not bad at all considering I did not train the last month at all. Was busy priotizing work and business trip to China and Jakarta.

I remembered though giving my all at final 2KM when I glanced at my watch after a dissappointing slow starter and realized I could still come close to a decent finish. That final 500m was a real stretch and I am glad I made it.

06 November, 2010

Well okay. According to this website, the top 10 countries "to have your wallet stolen by pickpockets" are:

10. Hanoi, Vietnam
9. Athens, Greece
8. Amsterdam, the Netherlands
7. Buones Aires, Argentina
6. Florence, Italy
5. Paris, France
4. Madrid, Spain
3. Prague, Chech
2. Rome, Italy
1. Barcelona, Spain

I've been to 5 above, and I have been fortunately blessed without incidents. Thank God. Lucky?


Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...