23 October, 2004

Well well well, I am back again.

Last month has been filled with whirlwind of activity and emotional rollercoaster. But then what's new about life? I have to admit emotion is something that is self-imposed. A lot of things that you feel are the reciprocate result of what you perceived about others and yourself. If life is so easy, we'll ignore what others think. That is the goal that I have in mind. Only happy and pleasant thoughts, please ...

08 March, 2004

Today, I finally do it...
I finally create my own blog. You know, insignificant it may seem, this whole idea of blog terrified me.

Here I am, exposing my inner thoughts to everyone else, who may be watching, reading whatever I am thinking, doubting, experiencing...

I am a private person. I don't like people knowing every action that I do, every movement that I did, every single breath I take. Everyone should be entitled with their own privacy. I still don't understand why I should be afraid. The same as why should I be so nervous when it is time for me to go in front of an audience and do a presentation. Why?

However, crazy at it seems, I am my own contradiction. I believe in individual's responsibility to community, the world at large. If privacy is what you want, responsibility comes with what you get, responsibility that you do not abuse your privacy.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...